In a previous video I had you create your ideal partner list – detailing out anything and everything you desire in your partner and love relationship. Did you do it? If not, it’s important to complete that exercise before you move on to today’s video. Let’s take a deeper look at your list. Often when…
Are His Actions Speaking Louder Than His Words?
You’ve likely experienced this before. You’ve dated a guy who you really like. He seems to really be into you too. He says he’ll call and he doesn’t…Or you’ve been dating a man for a while and you talk about moving in together yet he doesn’t take steps to make that a reality. Sometimes we…
It Takes Two to Tango
Are you getting everything you need from your relationship? It’s not that it’s our partners responsibility to fill our every need, that would be unrealistic and would put a lot of pressure on him. That being said, there are things your partner does for you and you do for them and in the beginning you…
Calling Your Relationships Quits
We’ve all been there. You’re just not feeling it anymore. You thought you were dating someone you really connected with only to find she/he wasn’t what you expected, or the chemistry just wilted away. It sucks…no matter how you cut it. It sucks to have the dreaded break up conversation but when it’s time, it…
What’s Driving Your Love Life?
Did you know your deepest, inner most beliefs are in control over your love life? No, really it’s true! As children we are little sponges, absorbing the beliefs of our caregivers and those we spend time with. As we grow up we begin filtering the world based on these limiting beliefs. We find people and…
What Happened to Your Great Relationship?
A common question I hear from clients is how do I get my partner to be more attentive. Ultimately men and women have the same wants and desires from their partner. We all want to feel special, desired, and accepted. After a relationship has become established and the new excitement wears off, we tend to…