- We put off all the things we want to do until later. Later never comes.
- Allen was on the verge of a nervous breakdown before he allowed himself to do the things his soul was calling him to do.
- Stress Management – What is good stress vs bad stress – stress is a natural response.
- When being in stress becomes an addiction or it becomes a constant it negatively affects us.
- Our body releases cortisol, dopamine – feel good hormone.
- Prolonged stress becomes the new normal and unable to relax.
- How do you act when you’re on vacation?
- Allen learned how to recalibrate his life and created a system he uses to integrate more balance into his life.
- The SEAMLESS Method:
- Sleeping
- Eating & Drinking Properly
- Active
- Meditating
- Love: Self, Others, Your Day
- Expansion + Growth
- Stress Reduction
- Sunshine + Fresh Air
- Our bodies need rest and down time to heal – TV isn’t as relaxing as you might think.
- Be conscious of what you allow into your experience.
- If you think the world is full of negative people – you’ll experience that vs. thinking the world is full of beauty and love – you’ll attract a different experience.
- You create your own experience and you receive more of the feelings you project outward.
- We are creatures of habit and comfort.
- Are you staying busy to keep from going deep and hearing your soul’s calling?
- Align who you are with something you want to do = Success.
- Decide if you’re going to listen to yourself.
- Don’t whine – Combine!
- During first 30 min of your lunch break – go outside, get fresh air, walk around, pay attention to the trees and nature around you = walking meditation.
- Do something for yourself every single day – small or large.
About the Guest:
Allen Vaysberg is a Recalibration Expert and creator of the SEAMLESS method who facilitates people’s transition from unfulfilled and stressed to doing what they love and being at peace. He speaks on life purpose, career change, work-life balance and the recalibration process and runs online programs helping people re-calibrate their lives.