- Plant spirit medicine – not power over plants
- Alignment to service + integrity is everything right now
- Energy medicine works through frequency
- The ‘awakened and aware’ walks side by side the student
- Following the path of the ancient trees – Yew tree (Eustraglite – spelling unknown)
- Tree of life was passed down through staphs
- We carry the voices for all of them
- Veil dropped and large tree appeared
- Anchoring the Stargrids to the sacred mountains of the world
- Upper Heart Chakra: Thymus gland – Your emotional filter
- The potential of anti-aging
- Moving towards androgyny and wholeness within
- Our ancient languages are returning – speaking to stones, plants, trees, etc
- As we strengthen + heal our thymus we’ll move into the ‘Tree of Light’
- The cycle of life is about releasing and trusting you will receive more back
- Plant and stone medicine is all vibrational
- Our etheric bodies are running at a high rate of strong, fast, energy – causing our Adrenals to burn out
- Mountain Rose Herb
- Start with a year and a day with a plant
- There is purpose for making offering with an open heart
- Higher realm Dream energy moves dimensions
- “You must be willing to exchange your cage”
- Everything in our life cages us – relationships, thoughts, egos. When we are caged we can’t be a pure conduit
- Symptoms of Thymus dysfunction
- Low self esteem
- Disorganization
- Dietary issues
- Self-worth – we’ve been trained to be in service for everything

Plants to support your Upper Heart Chakra
- Black Eyed Susan – Great for the immune system and shadow healer “Stalking the Self”. It contains both the poison and what will heal the poison so DON’T DRINK AS TEA. Bath only.
- Can be taken as tea, bath + make altars with an offering plate
- Yarrow
- Rose Hips
- Thyme
- Licorice Root – you can also nibble on the root
Crystals to support your Upper Heart Chakra
- Vivienite
- Dioptase
- Goldens – energizes the healer and fills your solar plexus
- Jeramagevite – not a planetary mineral
- Vericite – moves you into heart chakra and soothes the nerve endings
- Tourmaline – pink and blue
- Aegerine (Black Dragon)
Create an offering plate for the wild folk
Use a decorative dish and put small amounts of food and drink as an offering to the wild folk. Below are some suggestions.
- No fruit!!
- Sweets
- Bread
- Fats – butter, cheese
- Liquor
About the Guest:
Roberta MacKrill, known and loved as ‘The Beekeepers Daughter‘ is a curandera who walks the old path. For 44 years, she has been apprenticed to the wild folk, who prod her to make medicines that help us heal and awaken to our true natures. This amazing journey has led her to work with the plants of the Peruvian Amazon, as well as here in the Pacific Northwest.
Roberta shares her ever evolving relationship with plant spirits and helps bridge the gap between plant and humans. During this episode Roberta communicates the story the plants and crystals have for us this season.