Does your mind ever feel like a pinball machine? Your thoughts bouncing around like the little silver ball -you spend more time chasing the thought then actually having it?
Have you ever wondered why this happens? It’s because you are over thinking, stuck in your head trying to figure something out. Would you like to know how you can change that?
It’s Time to Meditate!
Meditation is a practice that’s been around for thousands of years. And it works! I know, it seems near impossible to quiet your mind when you’ve allowed it to take control over your life. Speaking from personal experience, for many years I believed that’s where I’d find answers to my problems. I became skilled at thinking my way to a solution, unfortunately the problem became my increasing stress and anxiety levels. Whenever I needed to make a decision about something where emotion was involved I became indecisive and scared to make the wrong choice. Does this sound familiar?
When we use our mind (the human computer) in a healthy way, we learn to use it masterfully. We use it to give us information, helping us to make a decision and proceed forward. When our emotions become involved we tend to get stuck, frozen on the fence about what to do. You wouldn’t think your mind would steer you wrong, but by using your mind for an answer you can easily rationalize both sides leaving yourself confused about what to do. You may logically determine one answer but emotionally want another.
More complex answers and solutions are found deeper within our intuitive self. Meditation helps you bypass your mind, get centered, allowing you to tap into the wise part of yourself, your inner knowing. Once you get your mind to quiet, the answer can simply show up because you are no longer resisting it.
There are many different techniques to meditate, here are a few to try:
- Count your breath – inhale as 1 and exhale as 2 (repeat for as long as you like).
- Imagine on your inhale breathing in a positive affirmation or mantra (peace, appreciation, love, acceptance, joy) and exhale out something you would like to let go of (anger, anxiety, fear, judgement).
- Use a mandala or other picture to focus your attention during deep breathing.
- Imagine a stream of white light coming in through your head, filling up your body and flowing out through your feet taking as long as you need.
- Add a positive visualization to deep, slow breathing.
- If there is something you want to create, imagine yourself already having it and what it would feel like.
- Listen to a recorded meditation cd.
Meditating is a very effective tool once you get the hang of it. The key is practice. Don’t expect to do it perfectly. Instead, start out small. If you’ve never had a clear mind, free of thought for more then 30 seconds don’t try to meditate for 30 minutes. If you do you’re setting yourself up for failure and then you won’t want to do it again. Once you are able to meditate for a minute or two, try for five minutes. Eventually you will be able to clear your mind or intentionally visualize with ease anytime you’d like.
I look forward to hearing your experiences and if you have any challenges. If you have additional meditation techniques please share them in the comment section below.
Angela Wilkinson