With all of the activity happening in the world today you need a place where you can relax, feel safe and secure. Your home should be your sanctuary allowing you a comfortable space to reconnect to yourself and your loved ones.
When you spend time at home do you feel at peace? Or do you feel overwhelmed and stressed?
Take a moment and look around your environment. What does it reflect back to you? What does it say to you? Is it organized and clean or is it messy and full of clutter? Most importantly, how does it make you feel?
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If your home doesn’t give you positive feelings of peace, inspiration or joy take the time to recreate your space. This powerful experience can dramatically shift how you feel, affecting how well you function in all areas of your life.
Not sure where to start? Here are a few questions to ask yourself:
- How do I feel when I spend time here?
- Is there too much going on in this room (to much clutter, furniture, decoration)?
- What can I change that will make me feel more comfortable and enjoy spending time here?
- What colors do I love and make me feel good? How can I add more of those colors into this area?
- What tangible items do I enjoy (flowers, books, photos, etc.)?
- Do those items I value have a place showing their importance?
Your answers will give you a natural place to begin. Start small, changing one area to reflect what you learned from your answers. If you try to change everything at once, the experience will become overwhelming. Try a few changes, take a step back and see how you feel. Continue as long as you enjoy the process. Use this technique for any room in your home, your office or anywhere else you spend a lot of your time. Notice what happens.
If you want to take this to another level, find an area to create a sacred place where you can meditate and listen to your inner guidance. It’s important to find a place where you feel safe and calm. It should be a quiet place free of distraction such as phones, family, pets, work or anything else that can take your attention away from your quiet time.
In creating your sacred space, include anything that is of special importance or spiritual significance that represents who you are and the issues you are working with. Some items you may include are:
- Red Cloth – Red is a spirit filled color commonly used as a foundation for a sacred area. Red is very powerful, passionate and dynamic; it brings a great deal of energy to any area.
- Candles – Fire is transformative having the ability to change something into a new material when burned. Lighting candles helps shift energy and increases your focus.
- Crystals – Crystals (quartz, amethyst, citrine, etc) have various properties that can assist in amplifying, supporting and manifesting your intentions. Sounds strange but it works!
- Burn sage or cedar to clear negative energy within an area.
- Water Fountain – Water represents the flow of emotions and is very good for positive Feng Shui
- Affirmation or guide cards – These can bring something to your awareness to focus on, helping connect you to your intuition
- Fresh flowers or live plants add beauty, nature, and life to your space.
If you don’t have a place where you can have a permanent alter or sacred space, find a decorative box to hold your sacred items. Take it out when you seek guidance, want to retreat, and relax. Start small and build your space over time. It’s less important about the elements used as the intention you hold while creating your space.