PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS What the Law of Emergence is and how it works differently than the Law of Attraction. Why problems are usually a blessing in disguise. Why it’s time for the ‘end of self-improvement’. Derek’s very personal experience of having faith and a willingness to let his life fall apart in order to fall…
Shine Your Light
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Rebecca shares her whirlwind experience opening up to spirit and thinking she was going crazy. When you open up you may experience things such as hearing the thoughts of people around you; feel the pain, joy, suffering and emotions of others, see “things” no one else does. Spirits are all around. They’ll…
The Nature Process & You
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Ecopsychology combines the study of psychology and ecology – and teaches us how are we affected by nature. Tabi’s brother’s death catalyzed her journey into nature and realizing we are all one with nature The Nature Process is a 5 step process including natural presence, physical presence, and natural attraction… Tabi…
ChakraDance – Rhythm for Your Soul
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Base (1st) chakra: represents security, basic needs, instincts, family patterns, grounding, stability Sacral (2nd) chakra: represents sensuality, pleasure, emotions, nurturing ourselves, change, movement, flow, sexual energies Solar plexus (3rd) chakra: represents personal energy, empowerment, self-esteem, self-confidence, sense of purpose Heart (4th) chakra: represents love, connection, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance Throat (5th) chakra: represents communication, self-expression, creativity, honesty,…
Rituals for Life
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Rituals are powerful in these ways: You are honoring by creating a structured event that will move you from one level of conscious to another – making the ordinary into something sacred Calling other resources beyond self Brain doesn’t know difference between ritual or actual event Barbara shares a very personal…
Practical Modern Day Magic
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How did you get into magic in the first place? When you talk about “practical magic”, what does that mean for you? Are there certain magical traditions that you work with? Was there a specific time where magic really helped you? If someone wanted to start bringing more magic into their…