PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS A holographic universe is similar to Holodeck on Star Trek Next Generation Energy + Consciousness = Source (The field of Possibilities) We live in the virtual reality. Everything is connected and interconnected. 3rd Dimension we see things in physical reality as separate from us. Energy is a wave frequency until we…
Transforming Your Biz Through Alignment
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Kinesiology = identifying core cause of imbalances preventing alignment through muscle testing. Best kept secret of multiple 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs. Living in alignment – what we say, think and do are congruent. We feel stuck because we are getting in our own way. Even if we understand on a…
Enough Already! Creating Success on Your Terms
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How Mike define’s success. What happened in Mike’s life that inspired him to write his book Enough Already. He shares the personal story that gave him the name for his book. Why Mike gave up a high-powered public relations career to create his own version of love, success, and happiness. Not feeling good enough…
The Value of Your Inner Circle
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How we met 4 years ago at a networking event…she was wearing red! I was the first person in the coaching industry she met. I appreciate the relationship we’ve developed – from fellow networkers, to friends, to neighbors, to business masterminds. The value of making time to spend time with friends…
Change Your Rhythm, Change Your Life
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How we met at my Vision Quest and I fell in love with the Djembe How sound healing affects the Quantum field. How the 5 Elements relate to our life. Earth – nurturing, welcoming, home, creating abundance of all kinds, community, love, friends – all the support we need is there…
The Effortless Art of Attraction
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS When and how she realized that she could manifest whatever she wanted into her life. What circumstances makes manifesting easier. Why most people have difficulty in manifesting their dreams. The importance of becoming a match vibrationally to what you want – and what that really means. The daily spiritual practices that have improved Roz’s ability to create things…