PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS What is Theta Healing? The fastest way to get into Theta brain wave. Learn the 7 planes of existence. The quickest way to shift your energy to feel better. Why you should have one messy drawer. The most important rule when considering what to keep + what to let go of.…
Sexuality and the Sacred Priestess
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How would you life look differently if you knew everything was sacred if you came in knowing your purpose + came in remembering What if you’d followed your pulse would you be in the same place? How does your sacred sexual energy help you manifest? Learn how your presence in the…
Living a Fully Engaged Life
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS For your life to up-level, you have to be willing to not know where the end is. Follow your excitement – even if it feels a little scary – notice the breadcrumbs Trapped emotion blocks our energy – physical issues and long term disease High performance – living a fully engaged…
Angela in the Hot Seat
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS My windy path from professional organizing to mental health therapy to sex Why I started my podcast My process to creating T.A.G.S. How I choose guests for the show Who are my favorites? Karolyn McKinley Dianne Collins Anything is possible! Every interview is a co-creation whatever is suppose to come out will…
Stop the Self-Sabotage
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How we sabotage ourselves It’s a cycle – guilt, avoiding responsibility, distraction Do you call the friend who feeds the energy? Sneaky patterns + habits Being busy doesn’t mean you’re being effective What is your message? What is it you’re trying to convey? Comparing yourself + not enoughness The universe is…
Calling in Your Baby
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Everyone has the ability to be clairvoyant. The “Baby Zone” Your health is under your control Your baby spirit is really wanting to be here so you can co-create together The Baby Zone – signs that a spirit would like to come in Strong call to have a baby Increased emotions…