PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS What is Theta Healing? The fastest way to get into Theta brain wave. Learn the 7 planes of existence. The quickest way to shift your energy to feel better. Why you should have one messy drawer. The most important rule when considering what to keep + what to let go of.…
Leap of Perception with Attention – Penney Peirce
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS We are shifting in perception from a linear into a spherical holographic reality Dialoging with your inner perceiver – reveals life to us We are functioning at many different levels simultaneously Intention is future focused/linear – attention is present moment – the deeper your attention the more you merge with it.…
Intent Rules Your World
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Intent VS Intention An intent activates the field, it’s an ever present emanating force and is always working Default intent (one you didn’t consciously create) versus a consciously created one Without awareness of your default intent, that’s the one you’ll continue to manifest over and over again We think reality is static,…
Transforming with the Healing Codes
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS The weeds in your subconscious Our ancestors pass on their beliefs and trauma Subconscious doesn’t know the difference between actual trauma and perceived trauma All things are interconnected The Universal Healing Codes Your higher vibrating feelings neutralize the old traumas Healing centers are pathways to disrupt the old energetic patterns that…
Dissolving the Empire Culture
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Consciousness is in, and through, and as everything. All being-ness, All that is. Science and Spirituality are not mutually exclusive The brain is a receiver transmitter, not the generator of consciousness The Empire Culture – the basis of our civilization today Light versus dark Separate but equal – the divine male…
Angela in the Hot Seat
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS My windy path from professional organizing to mental health therapy to sex Why I started my podcast My process to creating T.A.G.S. How I choose guests for the show Who are my favorites? Karolyn McKinley Dianne Collins Anything is possible! Every interview is a co-creation whatever is suppose to come out will…