PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Demystifying light language UWW – Universal Wide Web Light language comes through in intention Consciousness of different beings comes through different frequencies 3 ways to manifest light language Frequency = sacred sounds Matter = sacred codes Vibration = sacred movement Discernment and harmonizing of 13 polarities (mastery of emotions) Bodys…
Activating Codes of Light Language – Shakara Tosha
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How Shakara began channeling galactic codes (light language). Your unique energy frequency signature has a tone. There is an energetic language common to all of us. The symbols codes represent a message bigger than the symbol itself. All the guides work together. We’re evolving into a higher level of consciousness. All…
Shamanism for the Modern World – Garrett Duncan
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS You can be a lightworker wherever you are. It doesn’t require you to do anything but maintain your presence and connected to your light. Why traditional ceremonies are no longer as effective. Bringing sacred medicine back into the collective. You can bring the sacred + elements into any space. Clear +…
Creating Ritual and Sacred Space – Vialet Rayne
INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS We are magical beings. Don’t be scared to step out into the unknown – you’ll be guided. Signs are there to confirm you are on the right track. Magic happens when you have a clear idea. As creators we limit ourselves with our belief in what we can have. Ask the Universe ?’s…
Channeling Archangel Raphael – Trisha Michael
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How Trisha start channeling Archangel Raphael. Stepping into your destiny. “We’re all here to share in this wonderful gift of love”. What is your illusion and what is your truth? “The strength of your conviction opens the portals of your experience that will define you in this journey you call life.”…
Working with Dragon Energy – Aodaoin Hathaway
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Connection with the elementals is stronger in different regions. Dragons move between dimensions and are here to help anchor the new energy. Claim your gifts and unapologetically share them – alignment will follow. The dragons are here to support and move you forward. “Dragon feet time” – Balance between earthing as well…