PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS 2 types of transparency Radical trust Evolving as a whole Why it’s critical to trust in the flow Look at all events and circumstances as data “Be what you are in each moment” Your energy makes you seen or invisible to others The more transparent – more projections on you Don’t…
Angela’s European Tour Adventures
PART I: INTERVIEW ONE HIGHLIGHTS Things aren’t always what they seem. Your body is wise and will give you the guidance you need. Live in trust! Trust can’t just be a mental exercise. Anyone of us can make a tremendous impact on the world. PART I: INTERVIEW TWO HIGHLIGHTS New Moon Ring Ceremony The real reason why…
Activating Codes of Light Language – Shakara Tosha
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How Shakara began channeling galactic codes (light language). Your unique energy frequency signature has a tone. There is an energetic language common to all of us. The symbols codes represent a message bigger than the symbol itself. All the guides work together. We’re evolving into a higher level of consciousness. All…
EnVisioning Your Biggest Dreams
INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS What are you allowing to get in the way of your big dreams? Are you keeping yourself small in your comfort zone? By stepping into your dreams, you inspire others step into theirs. Practice stretching outside of your comfort zone + big things will start to shift and bring you more of what…
Shamanism for the Modern World – Garrett Duncan
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS You can be a lightworker wherever you are. It doesn’t require you to do anything but maintain your presence and connected to your light. Why traditional ceremonies are no longer as effective. Bringing sacred medicine back into the collective. You can bring the sacred + elements into any space. Clear +…
Eyes Are the Window to Your Mate – Laureli Shimayo
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Our essence shines through our eyes. Eye reading – observation + pattern recognition. Notice what stands out most? Where does their energy go? Thrive types – “Archetypes for thriving” Talents (we each have 3), pacing/rhythm, decision making, communication style, motivation, world view 7 Talents: Priest/Priestess, Server, Sage, Artisan, King/Queen, Warrior, Scholar…