L. Whittaker via Compfight Journaling is one of the best ways to connect to your inner guidance, the wisest part of yourself. With pen and paper you can share your inner most thoughts. Why would you want to spill your guts onto a piece of paper in a book? Well…it allows various parts of yourself…
Meditation for Your Answers
Does your mind ever feel like a pinball machine? Your thoughts bouncing around like the little silver ball -you spend more time chasing the thought then actually having it? Have you ever wondered why this happens? It’s because you are over thinking, stuck in your head trying to figure something out. Would you like to know…
Live Your Best Life…Now
Do you feel out of control of your life? In the past there have been times when I felt someone else was in charge of my life and it felt awful. I wanted to hide under the blankets hoping everything would change so I could go on with happiness. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. The key…
Becoming Your Own Ideal Partner
In a previous video I had you create your ideal partner list – detailing out anything and everything you desire in your partner and love relationship. Did you do it? If not, it’s important to complete that exercise before you move on to today’s video. Let’s take a deeper look at your list. Often when…
Are His Actions Speaking Louder Than His Words?
You’ve likely experienced this before. You’ve dated a guy who you really like. He seems to really be into you too. He says he’ll call and he doesn’t…Or you’ve been dating a man for a while and you talk about moving in together yet he doesn’t take steps to make that a reality. Sometimes we…
It Takes Two to Tango
Are you getting everything you need from your relationship? It’s not that it’s our partners responsibility to fill our every need, that would be unrealistic and would put a lot of pressure on him. That being said, there are things your partner does for you and you do for them and in the beginning you…