PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Watch previous episodes about my Europe trip HERE. Angie’s journey into dance. What fairy energy feels like. Our body is our temple and vehicle for our soul. The difference belly dance and tribal belly dance. Dance is a natural form of expression. How we can use dance to be more grounded…
Unlocking Infertility with Goddess Oshun – Sara Jacobsen
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How Sara reversed her infertility with Goddess Oshun “Heal your way” Feminine energy: resting, be-ing, receptivity Estrogen – yin, receptivity, openness, be-ingness Progesterone – creatrix, active, co-creative Create a sanctuary and invite in the divine feminine “You are beautiful, worthy, and the embodiment of the Goddess” Heal yourself deeply to be…
Dating the Divine Way – Michael Margulis
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Soul is neither masculine or feminine. How do we find a conscious man? Everything you see comes from within. We call in people with qualities we need. Make more space -> more soul comes in. Soul plan vs Human plan. Know self more is the goal. Your soul sees the bigger…
Sexuality and the Sacred Priestess
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How would you life look differently if you knew everything was sacred if you came in knowing your purpose + came in remembering What if you’d followed your pulse would you be in the same place? How does your sacred sexual energy help you manifest? Learn how your presence in the…
Sensual Path of the Feminine Mystic – Sofia Sundari
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS What is mystical femininity – the path of the feminine mystic? Everything as a gateway Yoni – the gate that we all came from, the symbol of the universe – the source where all of life is birthed Eroticism is natural True intimacy is hampered if we’re trying to hide parts of…
Feminine Business Rhythm + Flow
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Tuning into ones life purpose – the essence your soul is seeking. Feeling unfulfilled – are you aligned with your soul’s purpose? Soul centered business – you are your business, educate yourself, look within for wounds and work through them. What is success to you? Are you a coach/therapist? Have you…