PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Our essence shines through our eyes. Eye reading – observation + pattern recognition. Notice what stands out most? Where does their energy go? Thrive types – “Archetypes for thriving” Talents (we each have 3), pacing/rhythm, decision making, communication style, motivation, world view 7 Talents: Priest/Priestess, Server, Sage, Artisan, King/Queen, Warrior, Scholar…
Actualizing Abundance Alchemy – Karolyn McKinley
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Why things never seem to change. 4 elements to actualization (successful manifesting): Clarity, Connection, Creation, Contribution Clarity – What is your vision for your life? What is your zone of genius? What are you passionate about? What are you avoiding? EnVision Experience – what would it be like living in your…
Creating Ritual and Sacred Space – Vialet Rayne
INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS We are magical beings. Don’t be scared to step out into the unknown – you’ll be guided. Signs are there to confirm you are on the right track. Magic happens when you have a clear idea. As creators we limit ourselves with our belief in what we can have. Ask the Universe ?’s…
History of the Goddess
INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS No separation between the divine and the human world/mundane life. Ages – 5,000 years “Gods Year” 26,000 years. The emergence of the Warrior Goddess Innana (goddess of love and passion). Gods – Enlil + Enki Prince of Peace and the Goddess of Love Society was based on freedom, union, love, creativity Mardu –…
Channeling Archangel Raphael – Trisha Michael
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How Trisha start channeling Archangel Raphael. Stepping into your destiny. “We’re all here to share in this wonderful gift of love”. What is your illusion and what is your truth? “The strength of your conviction opens the portals of your experience that will define you in this journey you call life.”…
Working with Dragon Energy – Aodaoin Hathaway
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Connection with the elementals is stronger in different regions. Dragons move between dimensions and are here to help anchor the new energy. Claim your gifts and unapologetically share them – alignment will follow. The dragons are here to support and move you forward. “Dragon feet time” – Balance between earthing as well…