PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Soul is neither masculine or feminine. How do we find a conscious man? Everything you see comes from within. We call in people with qualities we need. Make more space -> more soul comes in. Soul plan vs Human plan. Know self more is the goal. Your soul sees the bigger…
Integrity of the Heart – Melissa Joy Jonsson
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Integrity is living from the heart. “Leading with the mind is leading with limitation.” Placeholder – pattern of information we resonate with (problem, disease, limitation). Reflection of something you haven’t recognized? Schematic filters are like blurry goggles. We’re all addicted to distractions. “We can only know reality through how we perceive…
Are You a Walk-In? – Kari Chapman
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Born-in soul vs a Walk-in soul. The circumstances when an existing soul leaves w/o repercussions. Oversoul Monad – 12 aspects of soul – 144 in total. What’s different about a conscious walk-in? How the soul transitions. Cellular memory remains – personality changes. Each soul brings new gifts. Ascension – merging with…
Working with Your Guardian Angel
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Differentiating your intuition from your Guardian Angel. Guidance will always come in signs and clues. An overview of the Chakra system. Stand in you own power. Do everything without doing anything. Meditation Your Angel will always give you what you need. Awakening of consciousness. Declare “I am an Awakened God/dess!” MANTRA I release…
Art of Feminine Magic
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Unsustainable business model + systems. Discomfort before change. $50K Manifesting experience. Signs things aren’t working. “The more honest we are with ourselves, the faster we can go” Leaping without a safety net. Universal laws Survival = being on the financial edge. Law of Polarity – wealth + poverty are on the two ends…
Removing Energetic Barriers
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Taking leaps of faith. Internal programming develops into an entity. 3 levels to clear. Ego VS Intuition. “The more you do the work, the more the voices become clear.” Translator guide. Weakness in your system. Cultural programming to work hard. Receiving is ongoing + in the moment. About the Guest: Lisa…