PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How to attract unconditional love (where no justification is needed) Accept and love ourselves first Lead from your heart space and neutrality versus judgement (create harmony – instead of creating stories based in assumption) We receive our ancestors “database” of thoughts, feelings into our DNA We attract similar people and repeat…
Living Beyond Boundaries
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS What was the catalyst for her to live a nomadic lifestyle Forks in the road – vacuums + dirt “Is this all there is?” Follow your heart or do what’s safe “Terror barrier” everything you really want is just on the other side of fear Being a bright light is making the…
The Crystal Shepherd
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Opening Pandora’s box The moment of encounter – Discovering new crystals can mirror how you approach other areas of your life Tanya hears the crystal resonance Enhydro – water bubbles inside a crystal Crystals have their own personalities – some are quiet and tender, some are masculine, some are feisty Oregon…
Living Through Love
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS 25 killed in a car accident – his near death experience Stepped into a garden of indescribable beauty Everything is made of light + love Darkness serves give us the illusion of being separate from one another He woke up on his 42nd birthday enlightened Spirit began to communicate with him…
Trusting Your Field of Energy
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Introducing The Awakened Goddess! We don’t have great language to talk about things outside of our physical 3D reality Working multi-dimensionally The BIG Q: How do we learn to trust in our abilities as energy beings Know your energy. What’s yours and what’s someone else’s Experts are well versed in seeing…
Love Never Dies
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Her out-of-body experience and meeting the man she’d marry The premonition of her husband’s death Ways her husband communicated with her Thought induction/mind melding Through a squirrel Through electronics – Ring, Ring! False beliefs we must resolve to reconnect We’re not supposed to reconnect with those in spirit The Communion of…