PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS The tables are turned and during this special show I bring Joyce Elia (aka my mom) to interview me. Here’s what we talk about. Why I started the Awakened Goddess Show. I share my guest wish list: which include Esther & Abraham Hicks, Daryl Anka & Bashar, Marianne Williamson, Doreen Virtue. I…
Gaining Freedom from Unconscious Life Blocks
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Why isn’t this working? = Unconscious blocks Past life – doing a lot of work and still having challenges = past life/Ancestral energetic baggage Common blocks for women around financial abundance comes from our feelings of worth Our socialized view of women in society. They aren’t viewed as leaders/Women use to…
Science of Getting Rich for the 21st Century
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Why money is necessary to help others The cycle of shrinking versus expanding Justify earning money when it’s hard vs. easy Bertrand’s theory on giving from the saucer, rather than the cup The importance of forgiving oneself Become a match what you want and it will come PART II: ACTION STEPS…
Practical Modern Day Magic
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How did you get into magic in the first place? When you talk about “practical magic”, what does that mean for you? Are there certain magical traditions that you work with? Was there a specific time where magic really helped you? If someone wanted to start bringing more magic into their…
Astrology for Your Soul’s Evolution
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS You refer to yourself as an astrology coach? How is that different from a regular astrologist? People often refer to astrology as like a weather report and others refer to it as a destiny set in stone. What’s your view? What are some myths in astrology you’d like to dispel for…
Clearing the Way, The Open Heart Path
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS What is energy clearing? How can we work with our own energy and amp up their Woo Woo game while still being grounded. How do you stay grounded and protected when you find yourself in an emotionally toxic environment. Megan shares her daily spiritual practice that has changed her life. PART II: ACTION…