PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS What are the common mistakes that new business owners make? Obsessed what they want buy versus what the customer wants – just want problem solved People don’t think to themselves “I want a life coach” – instead “I want to figure out x,y,z” Focusing too much on branding, website, before first…
Live. Love. Lead.
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS We must leverage our energy and commitment to embody the vision of the world that we want to see. Moved Out of the age of Celebrity and into the age of the citizen. Bring what you’ve been called to bring. I often hear you say that success is a “whole self”…
Pleasuring Yourself to Success
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Why pleasure is so important to create success in your business. Mythology archetypes & Goddesses of pleasure – Aphrodite, Shakti, Lakshmi, Athena, Oshun We go deep into myth, energy, pleasure – super fascinating and interesting how it parallels current time. How using an archetypal approach help entrepreneurs with branding and marketing. Female entrepreneurs have…
Transforming Your Biz Through Alignment
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Kinesiology = identifying core cause of imbalances preventing alignment through muscle testing. Best kept secret of multiple 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs. Living in alignment – what we say, think and do are congruent. We feel stuck because we are getting in our own way. Even if we understand on a…
Your Chakra System: Accessing Health through Alignment
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS John of God – a trans-medium who channels 30 benevolent beings. How Laura was blessed by John of God to use a John of God Crystal Bed. The crystal bed sends colored light through quartz crystal onto the 7 chakras. She scans and identifies major imbalances like inflammation, stuckness Right side…
Our Toxic Relationship to Food
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How one childhood comment devastated Lisa’s confidence later feeding a toxic relationship with food. Experiencing several autoimmune disorders by age 30 was the wake up call she needed. Food is now her tool of love. Good food versus bad – “I was bad today” Body clutter = no longer being able…