PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS When you empower yourself, no one can have power over you. The less you care about what others think, the more they’ll love you. PART II: ACTION STEPS Surround yourself with people who support you and practice asking for help Take little steps towards healing – change takes courage Love Yourself unconditionally Don’t…
Forgiveness & Authentic Living
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Rev Jersey Girl – Pragmatic, simple, keeping it real “I might be the only tattoo bearing, tequila shooting, sex loving minister you’ll ever meet!“ She started doing her internal work + people started listening Science of Mind – the presence is within you. Responsibility – When you take responsibility for your…
Turning Aha’s into OWL Moments
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Aha moments can open up the channel to receive. Optimal Wisdom Learning = learning wisdom optimally The key is understanding what is the optimal way for you to learn. Wisdom comes through the right brain – we can take action through the left. OWL – Optimal Wisdom Learning Desire Surrender Stillness…
Angel Chatter: How to Chat With Angels
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How she learned she could communicate with Angels. She wanted to fit in so she suppressed her gift deep. Once she began to feel safe being herself – everything opened up. She smells specific scents or hears them – “You’re not paying attention!!” How do you know if it’s your higher…
Feminine Business Rhythm + Flow
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Tuning into ones life purpose – the essence your soul is seeking. Feeling unfulfilled – are you aligned with your soul’s purpose? Soul centered business – you are your business, educate yourself, look within for wounds and work through them. What is success to you? Are you a coach/therapist? Have you…
Quantum Creation in a Holographic Universe
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS A holographic universe is similar to Holodeck on Star Trek Next Generation Energy + Consciousness = Source (The field of Possibilities) We live in the virtual reality. Everything is connected and interconnected. 3rd Dimension we see things in physical reality as separate from us. Energy is a wave frequency until we…