PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Why we think we need to do it all Your true calling will ask you to grow We need a support team Our calling pulls us towards action Breaks for integration are mandatory The hustle versus flow You don’t have to jump through a bunch of hoops Inspiration without action =…
Sensual Path of the Feminine Mystic – Sofia Sundari
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS What is mystical femininity – the path of the feminine mystic? Everything as a gateway Yoni – the gate that we all came from, the symbol of the universe – the source where all of life is birthed Eroticism is natural True intimacy is hampered if we’re trying to hide parts of…
Money, Magic and Meaning
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS How Lindsay made the leap from the corporate world to homesteading + entrepreneurship The power of daily gratitude The ‘Magic Triangle’ Intention Container – what you run your intention through Creation – aligned action + alchemy ROE – Return on Energy Where most get stuck in manifesting 3 Forms of energy…
Boundaries, Intuition and Manifesting – Erin Ashley Kerti
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Boundaries are for keeping yourself in, rather than for keeping others out 6 Voices in your head Intuition – divine knowing from your higher self – waiting to be listened to Guides – helpers on the other side here to help you on your journey Spirit Guides Ego – the fear…
Dissolving the Empire Culture
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS Consciousness is in, and through, and as everything. All being-ness, All that is. Science and Spirituality are not mutually exclusive The brain is a receiver transmitter, not the generator of consciousness The Empire Culture – the basis of our civilization today Light versus dark Separate but equal – the divine male…
Mother Mary’s Pathway to Love
PART I: INTERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS The catalyst to starting to channel Mother Mary What we can do with fear + resistance The power of our shadow side Is my shadow really dark? Feeding your shadow versus feeding your faith Red flags Old sadness + anger – where’s that coming from? Childhood roles and taking on other…