- Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean you should be doing it
- Once anyone really knows something you can’t unknow it
- Your journey + story is your business
- Everything is a reflection
- When you walk away from those things that don’t serve and walk toward what does, everything changes
- The path to no regret is following the intuitive YES!
- Synchronicity is a sign you’re on the right path
- Do you want a sandwich or a salad?
- Animal archetypes help you navigate life
- Bees! Swarms – group dynamics, safe in groups, need community to thrive
- Stepping into your power
- When you don’t stand up in your light – you’re hurting yourself
- We’re all seeking real connection
- Nature is not conditional
- You’re worth the GREAT!
- You have an opportunity to make another choice, are you willing?
- Are you willing to be clean with your power?
- Zero cost relationship – equal energy relationship
- We have to stop rescuing each other
- Natural high time and low time cycles
- Visualization exercise to take your power back
Learn what your true nature is calling you to, find out what animals are communicating to you and download Lola’s truth telling guide, so you can be heard and create the life you want.
What’s Your True Nature Calling You Into?
It can feel overwhelming, scary or super intense the first time you meet your true nature. It’s not something we have to step in and show up overnight with. It’s a journey, a deepening and a relaxing into the truest essence of who you are. Because your true nature is the biggest expression of your truth, judgement is usually one of the first things we have to let go of. Here are some questions to help you step into that version of yourself a little more today.
- How can you start to let go of anything that’s not really in alignment with your souls calling?
- What can you offer in this realm so you can be more authentic to yourself and stop doing those things that even though your good at, cause you suffering?
- Where are you getting intuitive YES’s that you aren’t following?
- What are one or two actions you can take today to start following those little gut feelings you’ve been getting?
Animal Medicine
What are the animals in your life communicating to you? Journal on the following questions to understand the meaning and the message.
- What animals am I strongly attracted to?
- Which animal am I strongly repelled by?
- What is this animal trying to show me?
- What is it about this animal am I afraid of?
Usually animals show us aspects of ourselves that we are resistant to. Either a shadow aspect or something we are suppose to be stepping more into. These animals hold a ton of power and information for you and are an easy way to learn more about your true nature.
Animal Speak by Ted Andrews is an excellent book to go deeper into animal totems and meanings.
High/Low Cycles
Here are some questions to consider so you stay in flow with the natural cycles of your business and life.
- Am I currently in a high or low time?
- What do I need right now to be fully supported?
- How can I make life more like a game?
Once you determine which cycle you are in, find ways to support yourself. Some questions to get you started:
- Do I need to simplify? If so, how can I start doing that today?
- Do I need more rest? What restorative self-care activities can I add to my life to support my body, mind and spirit?
- Do I need to eat more grounding foods? Or is it time for a cleanse?
Wild Conversations – a guide to help you speak your truth with ease.
Download Lola’s guide to telling the truth well, so you can be heard and create the life you want. Truth is medicine.
About the Guest:
Lola Medicine Keeper is an alchemystic shaman, a healer of soul loss, a ceremonialist, a pattern tracker… a soul whisperer to the wild animal within. She walks with those on the path to Awakening. Her work is designed to help you remember that you are powerful, imbued with magic, and designed for ecstasy. You are all things sacred and a house for the holy… Your world is meant to be a playground for all beings (including you). If you crave an unleashing, Lola invites you to explore her offerings including worldwide shamanic play retreats, large and small group immersions, ritual design, shamanic healing, soul mentoring, and her free Podcast.