- Boundaries are for keeping yourself in, rather than for keeping others out
- 6 Voices in your head
- Intuition – divine knowing from your higher self – waiting to be listened to
- Guides – helpers on the other side here to help you on your journey
- Spirit Guides
- Ego – the fear gremlin (should not be in charge)
- Logical thinking – neutral, tells you what to expect based on probability
- Past Programming – the voices of people in the past
- What’s mine what’s yours?
- Who’s energy is this?
- Taking on other peoples’ stuff so they don’t have to feel bad
- You can’t heal someone else’s feelings
- Look at your results
- Sometimes it’s time to let someone go
- Art of receiving + presence
- Who do you want to become?
- Are you out of practice of receiving? Try mental rehearsal
- Your experience of money won’t change until you heal it
- Visualization is great to help you figure out what you want
- “Now’s the time” moment – feels easy, like the natural next step
- Be hootless – Lester Levinson
- Practice welcoming what is
- If something is coming up – look for the message versus resisting it
Join Erin Ashley and I behind the scenes as we continue our conversation and talk about being empathic and narcissists.
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Get to Know Your Voices
Learn how to identify the voices in your head with the following steps.
- Do a brain dump of every thought and write them down in your journal
- Go through and identify which voice is talking with each thought
- Look at the voices you identified – who’s speaking the most?
- Is your ego in charge? How about your intuition?
- How can you increase your intuition and your spirit guides?
- Recondition past programming through
- Affirmations
- Positive Visioning
- Meditative journeys
Feel Your Heart Energy
- Place your hands over your heart
- Take a minute to just feel into the energy
- Ask any questions you have – word in YES/NO questions
- Yes = expansive, warm, good
- No = cold, tight, dissociated, closed
- Is this voice mine?
- Does this voice belong to someone else?
Manifesting Tips
If you’re not manifesting something you want, take the following steps and journal on the questions below. This will help you find where there is a disconnect between what you want and what you’re manifesting.
- Practice welcoming what is – let the situation to be how it is
- Let yourself feel how you do + allow yourself to feel into it until you feel peace, gratitude around the situation
- Feel into your true hearts desires – get to your purest desire.
- Answer the following questions:
- What do I want?
- Is this something I really want? Or is this something someone else says I should want?
- Is it really the ‘thing’ I want? Or am I wanting the deeper feeling that having the thing will bring me?
- What’s wanting to flow through me right now?
- What do I need to do?
- What do I need to create?
- What pathways do I need to follow?
Practice Mental Rehearsal
Use the technique of mental rehearsal to practice experiencing what you’d like to manifest. Meditate + journal on the following questions as you visualize through the process of having what you want step-by-step and piece-by-piece. Do this exercise a few times a week exploring more in detail – until it shows up.
- What would it be like for X to happen?
- Do I need to let go of anything to make room for this?
- Do I have the foundation in place to support this?
- Is there anything I need to add to create structure for this?
- What needs to happen?
Erin Ashley’s Gift: Your Psychic Gifts Bundle of Downloads
I know without a shadow of a doubt that your heart is speaking to you right now.
It has messages for you. It has guidance for you.
And it’s ready to give you those messages right now.
In fact, if it’s beating it IS giving you those messages right now.
It’s pretty damn magnificent, isn’t it?
What You’ll Learn
- Why we’re all psychic
- Why connecting with your heart for guidance is (nearly) infallible
- When NOT to listen to your heart. Yup, there ARE times when you don’t want to listen to it and I explain exactly what those times look and feel like
- How to ask great questions
- What YOUR YESes and NOs look like
- What to do when you get “nothing”
- How to tap into your inner power and confidence in minimal time
- How to let go of resistance and transform it into power and action
What You’ll Get
- The 91 minute recording in an mp3 format
- A PDF download of the slides from the live class
- How to Connect With Your Heart instructional PDF (it breaks the process down step-by-step)
- The Sensitive Soul SOUL-ution PDF (it’s the BEST resource for confidence and power for sensitives I’ve found)
- How to Deal With Resistance instructional PDF (it breaks the process down step-by-step)
Want full access to the members’ premium experience? UPGRADE YOUR MEMBERSHIP today!
About the Guest:
Rev. Erin-Ashley Kerti is a world renowned psychic and spiritual teacher. She specializes in assisting empaths and psychically sensitive individuals tune into their gifts and enjoy all that life has to offer (even in the grocery store.) She assists them in recognizing the strength in their sensitivities, the power of their depth. Rev. EA has studied at the University Metaphysical Sciences and has a masters in forgiveness work.
- Website:
- Facebook:
- EA’s Mini Classes: